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AQUA FILTER osmoso sistemoms taikoma net 10 metų garantija!
Soda Stream gazuokliai - rinkitės dizainą!
Vsių tipų - filtrų įrenginiai! Minkštinimo, nugeležinimo ir visos kitos valymo sistemos.
Įvairiausi filtrai ir jų dalys. Neradote - susisiekite!
Minkštinimo filtrai CLACK CORP visam namui
Nugeležinimo filtrai su oru

Vandens filtrų vožtuvai Fleck

Fleck Controls makes water softener and backwashing filter control valves. Fleck Controls used be called L.W. FLECKENSTEIN, INC. and people would say often they had a “Fleckenstein valve.” They are now called “Fleck Controls” and are owned by Pentair Water, a world conglomerate of water-related companies. Fleck makes a large number of control valves for residential and commercial water softeners and backwashing filters, and have been a world leader in this technology for over 50 years.

Fleck Systems.com, is owned and operated by US Water Systems and we sell Fleck Parts, Fleck Softeners, Fleck Backwashing Filters, and also sell the Fleck Replacement Valves. This site is for people who know which Fleck parts they need and are ready to order At our main site, we also sell water softeners that use Fleck-Type Control valve, but with better warranties and superior operation. Call us at 877-320-8504 for and sales and support questions. We are not Fleck – we sell Fleck Parts. If you want Fleck tech support, you will need to call Pentair (manufacturer of Fleck valves).


Vožtuvas Fleck minkštinimo sistemai

296.00 €

Vožtuvas Fleck Residential Simplex

520.00 €

Vožtuvas Fleck Residential Simplex 4600/1600

600.00 €

Vožtuvas Fleck Residential Simplex 5600/1600

300.00 €
260.00 €
13 %

Svetainę sukūrė: Designus



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